Or this
And the the master would look like this
Or this
And the bathroom would look like this
And we would also have a mud room for shits and giggles
And here is where I would create masterpieces
I would have the appropriate serving dishes for all meals; they would be matching when I wanted them to be and eclectic at other times. I will be on a first name basis with the cashier at Williams Sonoma. My herb garden would be flourishing, along with my roses as I would have time to tend to them. Matthew and I would have dates at the playground and library and I would be well coiffed instead of ponytailed and weary eyed. My designs would hit the coffee tables in Design Magazines and I would be paid an obscene amount for doing what I love. My dogs would let me sleep.
In this fantasy life I will have two more children. Twins perhaps. Boy girl. When they grow up they will love coming home on the holidays because they just can’t get enough of their moms cooking and their dads company. We will have family traditions that they carry on throughout their kid’s lives. I want to emulate my Grammy and always be the last to sit to eat because she has just one more thing to get out of the oven or just a little more whipped cream to make. Our Christmas cookies would be out of this world iced and perfectly decorated. Perhaps 2012 is listening....