Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wish List Wednesday

After I lose these pesky 5-8-10 lbs or whatever the number changes to I am going to treat myself to a pair of one of these boots. I love them. And since I live in a city where it actually gets cold I won’t look wildly out of place either. I LOVE them all for different reasons. #1 because the color and they are classic in my opinion. #2 because they look comfy but might be slashed off the list due to the material and I don’t want them to look trashed after being in the slush and rain. #3 are Fryes, what’s not to love but the price tag. #4 are more me, they have a heel which will help with my lack of vertical prowess and they have a little sass factor. What do you like?




Also a random, has anyone read The Help?
Happy Hump Day everyone!

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