Monday, April 25, 2011

Diet Log Day 3-8

Day 3-8
Well today I was locked out of the jelly bean and mini chocolate lovers dream offices, so that is a good thing.
I was fairly good over the weekend, I mean there were TONS of goodies to be had and I didn't partake in ALL of them.

I refrained from any alcohol, I ate one half of a half of a cupcake, I did eat a lemon bar, which is odd since I'm not all that big a fan of lemon. I drank soda, killer, but the max was 2 and that was on Friday and that is because Mike shocked me and we went out to lunch. I can't say that I worked out all the much either, unless the stairs in the house count because I was up and down them all weekend. And if chasing a 3 year old counts then I am golden on the cardio.

So here is my food log, go ahead, scoff.

Just a little side note, I used to keep a food log and bring it to my trainer weekly for his dose of wtf are you eating or the occasional that a girl, when I feel off the wagon I would write those entries in size 2 font, to keep it real, I didn't lie but it was so small that he couldn't read it. Eventually the magnifier came out.

CRAP- the list of food wont open, I swear I have it, I'll add to it and upload it tomorrow

oh and since I failed at taking any before pictures of the cuteness outside for the kids here is what inspired me

Bunny ear cupcakes

Rice Krispie treat eggs

Thursday, April 21, 2011


This is me and my Bff

She is the greatest.

Today I got a long awaited package in the mail. She told me two weeks ago, on my 31st birthday, that a gift was on its way but to tide me over she had sent me another package to open On my birthday!

Peacock note cards!
 Duh!! I love them. They might be too pretty to use. I adore all things peacock--- thank you Ashley.

Then a long tortuous two weeks passed with no clue what was to greet me except a random text message after I was complaining about random things:
    Just know that ur gift will lvoe you unconditionally and doesn't discriminate on size. Its made espcly with you in mind :)
Of course I ask:
    Is it a puppy?
Lol Good guess.
    Is it a painted hermit crab?
    Is it a peacock painting?
    Is it a baby?
um no to all three but may have something to do with the last one!


Alas my package arrives and my husband calls to tell me he accidently opened it thinking it was for Matthew. Hrmph.

So I get home to an opened package and see this after tearing away some tissue paper
Now Im very intrigued

So I open it up slowly as to not rip the packing and this was in it

The sweetest necklace with Matthew, M&M and Est 05...couldn't have been more thoughtful, except she was! Ashley also included another long blank panel to be stamped when we DO eventually have another child.
Tissues anyone?

Here's an upclose

  I just wanted to publicly thank her for the most thoughtful gift Ive recieved in a long time. Now all she has to do is come visit, no pressure. Did I mention that we are having an Easter BBQ this weekend?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


While looking through some photo sites I came across a photo of a baby on a 'coloring blanket' I got a box of goodies in the mail yesterday containing my 'coloring blanket' from when I was little. My mom knew just how to wrap my baby doll, Abigail Ashley, in it with one of those old Goody ball hair ties and it had to be done each night. She would carefully swaddle Abigail and then secure the blanket with the hair tie and would do so, probably a minimum of 3 times a night before I could fall asleep.

On The Tree Top Photography

Matthew got his first bloody nose yesterday at school, roughhousing with another kid- he ran into the wall. On the same note Mike did the same thing when he was little except he was running from his brother and it was a dumpster and he cut his eye brow but you know essentially the same thing ...  ( I will repost photos)

I need a rug for the downstairs living room, not that we have two, but the downstairs is more the formal area and the upstairs bonus room is where we live and watch tv. SO that said I need to pick between two crazy yet equally fun and elegant rugs. Can you help? We have dark hardwood floors, and antique/traditional wood furniture with updated upholstery to tie in new and old. My mom thinks I am crazy for the sheepskin because in the winter when we make fires she thinks the soot and ash will make it dirty and that will aggravate me, she must have  me confused with some anal retentive hyper active house cleaner. I love the colorful rug from Antrhopolgie but since there isn't one close by I can't see the actual colors and I have having to pay for return shipping if it didn't work out. Thoughts?

And Again I have two very different ideas for the guest room which I am going to turn into a guest slash  office so I can build a craft empire.

Here are the ideas- both stolen of course.

The first one is great because its set up just like our room now, the window placement etc. So I would just have to convince Mike that he needs to build me this insane built in. The second option is more serene and I could get a trundle bed for the guests and keep the linens and walls simple and bring in color with all my fun accessories and love for all things peacock. Thoughts?

I am going to post a before and after of the hallway Mike just finished for me and some other of the house thus far. I just have to search for the befores, I know I have them.

Diet log day 2

Here is todays diet log-- I caved after a monster morning struggling with Matthew to get out the door and got myself a Starbucks BUT I said no whip! I also read that Caffe Americano are okay for your diet so I might start those if I so choose, hello they are only 10 calories for a tall. But what worked for me in the past was to stick to one caffeine pill in the morning instead of the coffee, and per my old trainer, whom I call Gunter but shall remain nameless told me was my best bet. But if I ever see the Espresso Truffle back on their menu, mama is gonna get her self a Venti, I won't even pretend otherwise.

Food was same as yesterday except the no whip on the mocha and for dinner I am having a chicken brocolli casserole from the Flat Belly Diet Family cookbook and I had a yogurt and fresh pineapple after lunch. On the plus I did not order an Ameretto Mocha coffee whilst driving a co-worker through the drive thru at Liquid Hwy (SCORE ME) AND I did not venture in to my other co-workers area where he stores snickers and reese's cups, not the minis either, the real deals. Hi five on the self restraint!

So as my reward I need a skirt, a  blue polka dot skirt.... know where I might find her?

And, I came across this recipe that I am going to try this weekend for Easter breakfast for the family. I Know its not on the diet plan but you DO have to build in a splurge, even on day 7 of said diet. Right?

Compliments of

Stuffed French Toast Casserole with Fruit
10 slices firm bread, cubed
8 ounces of cream cheese, cubed or softened (depending on your preference, you may use up to 16 ounces)
10 – 12 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup of syrup
2 cups of milk (or mixture of half and half, cream and milk equaling two cups)
Fruit, your preference – strawberries, peaches, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries etc.
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
Butter 9×13 baking dish. Layer half of bread slices or cubed pieces. Cover with cream cheese, either by spreading on bread slices or layering cubed cream cheese pieces, and then layer your choice of fruit. Have fun with the fruit choices. I have used a mixture of every fruit imaginable. Cover with remaining bread. Blend eggs, milk, syrup, cinnamon and vanilla, and pour over bread; cover and refrigerate overnight. Preheat oven, and bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes to one hour.
You're welcome.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Losing the LBs

The Mission:
Lose solid 8 or more lbs by June 10th. Have to pick a date or
there won’t be any accountability and Mike’s birthday is as
good as any.

I’m not talking water weight I’m talking a good solid 8 pounds
so I feel better in my clothes and I don’t feel like I should
wear a moo moo in the heat of summer in South Carolina
which is, as my friend Rudy pointed out, Africa hot.

I am going to start a regime like I had in Florida before my
routine got all out of wack. I have 2 gyms to choose from
PLUS an in home elliptical so really I have zero excuses and
now I have this blog to update to keep my accountable and
for the most part honest.

I want to go from

 I am going to keep a food journal like I used to and I am
going to share it here for the whole blogosphere to gawk at,
judge and point out my Whoopsies. I am going to loosely
follow the Flat Belly Diet plan. I promise to be honest and if
you want to share yours too I will listen and only moderately
scoff at you. (I kid, I kid). On top of the health benefits
this will also help me achieve my New Years Resolutions’
to have shake weight arms and drink cheaper coffee as
Starbucks double tall mochas aren’t on the diet.

So here it goes day one: April 18, 2011
cornflakes with Lactaid220weights in am
raisins4245 min cardio
dbl tall mocha270
scoop of jelly beans140
baby carrots35
cheese stick80
turkey slices90
piece of cheddar

If you’re not into counting your calories while eating you can always use
to calculate your intake. Find out your BMI and the amount of calories you should consume there

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Undies Drive

Underwear Drive

Please donate a new package of toddler size underwear to the children in a small village in Haiti.

The kids are living in mud huts.  Many children are naked and very dirty, they sit on the dirt and get worms in their bottoms, it’s estimated that 90% of Haitians have worms. Being naked also sets them up for sexual abuse. This is a very grass roots idea sparked by the heavy heart of one woman who saw a need and decided to do something about it. The mission offices of Love a Child in Riverview, Florida will truck new underwear to Miami and then put them on a boat to their port in Haiti where the village will receive the undies directly. It will go from our hands to their bottoms!

Contact me to find out more


Friday, April 15, 2011

Craving Peace

Craving Peace and Being Present. For those of my friends who listen to the Philips Phile you most likely know of Eddie the Shaman. A few weeks back he was talking about following your path and creating your own destiny. Lately I have felt like I am running around in circle, craving more things, waiting for more in my life but if I sit back and look at what  I have, I have all I need. I have a wonderful family. My mom is like nothing I could do justice with words. She is 100% behind me and my family in all that we do and is so over the moon in love with Matthew that it just melts my heart and actually brings tears to my eyes when I think about them together. I have a loving brother who, although lives far away and I only see a few times a year, is also there for me when I need him, no matter what time of day. And even though the two of them, mom and brother, are superior procrastinators they always seem to come through and provide me with magical memories and beautiful things to fill my house and heart with. Then there is my husband who I recently gushed about on here but I can say a few more good things about him I suppose. My head fits perfect in his neck. He makes me feel safe and I know that he is worrying enough for the both of us but rarely shows it. Matthew is the light of my life and makes me smile on the cruddiest of days. He gives the most spectacular hugs and lets me get his brown sugar (a family term) any time I need it. I love seeing him grow up and get his sillys out and just be a happy boy. I love knowing that he is so loved and in a secure place that it gives me bliss.  A family hug gives me more I than any paycheck  could buy. 

On top of this warm tender family of mine, I am blessed to live in a beautiful town, own a lovely home, and have a job. As much as I might complain about the little things, its the bigger picture that I love “If you seek some special life outside of daily activities, that is like brushing aside waves to look for water.” 

This is the combo of two posts, I started the above post on my birthday and lost track of time a long the way. I can NOT believe that it is the middle of April already. Today, April 15, is my aunt’s birthday who passed away many years ago from aggressive cancer, she battled and beat brain and breast but liver cancer took her. My mom gets very quiet this time of year as she misses her sister dearly. I know she feels all sorts of emotions, pain, regret, sorrow and sometimes even hate that she was left here to take on the life's struggles alone.  I just wanted to share a few photos of the aunt that I barely got to know and to request that you hold your loved ones dear as you never know what is lurking around the corner in life.  “Most folks are about as happy as they make their minds up to be.” Abraham Lincoln   

Aunt Mary, Great Grandparents, My mom, and Thats my Grandma on the far right, Woo HOO!

Monday, April 4, 2011


Today  I am a fan of  mercury mirror and
milk glass and always am a fan of peacocks .
I am also a fan of my husband and all his handy work and how in 8 short months our house has gone from needing a cosmetic facelift to almost complete on top of the fact that he does everything himself and to Mike Holmes standards, he does it without complaining. And he bought me a weeping willow for the yard and made me flower beds in the back yard to keep with my theme of keeping plants alive as my new years resolution. He disregards my many mood swings over the past year due to all the hormones I have been on trying to conceive child number two. And he is the most wonderful father a wife could ever imagine for her family. He can't wait for Matthew to get a little bigger to play catch with and to help him turn a wrench and he savors the little moments now as Matthew is learning about life and rapidly growing into a man. And to top it off he ain't to bad looking either. So again, keeping with my Be more Thankful for What I have theme this New Year,  I am more than grateful for the husband that has stood by me for nearly 14 years and just thought I would gush a little today.